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Induced voltage in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2017-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: voltageinducedhigh voltageself-inducedhigh voltage transmission linerevolt againstinduceinducement
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(1) The induced voltage leads the phase current by the angle a and lags the applied voltage by 6.
(2) Recent research has linked induced voltages with lateral line disease.
(3) It is these induced voltages which are used to extract energy from the mechanical system and provide electromagnetic damping.
(4) This paper introduces causes of induced voltage in isolated-neutral power supply system of aluminium smelter, and methods of eliminating it.
(5) Opening and closing of the contact points creates induced voltage.
(6) The RF induced voltage of the metallic object is harmful to persons and fuels.
(7) Measurements of induced voltage on coils, the magnetization curve of the iron-core transformer, voltage-second characteristics at a few positions during HL-1 operation are summarized in this paper.
(8) It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it.
(9) The influence of induced voltage of lightning stroke to the transmission line tower on the lightning withstand level of transmission line through the field-line coupling mechanism are analyzed.
(10) To reduce induced voltage on cables it's the first time this dissertation adopt the distributary methods which a branch grounding wire flows away from the main grounding wires.
(11) Current flows into the motor provided the voltage applied to the phase can overcome the induced voltage.
(12) Deependable Products now offer an easy way to remove and prevent induced voltages - the Nega-volt.
(13) The smaller the equivalent impedance of the sensor is, the smaller the transfer impedance is(, and then the larger the current of a rail at the sensor and the induced voltage are.
(14) The electron beam current measured by the beam current monitor (BCT3) is almost in direct proportion to the induced voltage of the fundamental harmonic.
(15) With the help of the sweeping velocity of magnetizing current controlled by a flux feedback loop a nearly constant induced voltage is produced.
(16) A programmable slew rate allows a controlled transition from one load setting to another to minimize induced voltage drops on inductive power wiring, or control induced transients on a test device.
(17) It discusses various voltage contrast methods, and introduces a new method, that is called electron beam induced voltage contrast method.
(18) A typical shield placed around a conductor and grounded at one end has little if any effect on the magnetically induced voltage in that conductor.
(19) Piezoelectric pieces are added to vibration system, they vibrate with system together and generate induced voltage.
(20) Besides, it made discussions on its structure and working principles, derived its equations of induced voltage outputs.
(21) Through loading pulsed square wave to the model, induced electromagnetic field distributions above the tube surface were analyzed and picked, coil induced voltage was solved.
(22) Based on it, a new method was proposed to detect the broken rotor bars according to the high order harmonic induced voltage in the stator windings.
(23) When the effect of inductance is such as to cause an induced voltage in the salne circuit in which the changing current is flowing, the term self-induction is applied to the phenomenon.
(24) Both the results of analysis and simulation reveal that the effect of lightning induced voltage on the lightning withstand level cannot be negligible.
More similar words: voltageinducedhigh voltageself-inducedhigh voltage transmission linerevolt againstinduceinducementcottage industryvoltairevoltaic cellreducedphotovoltaicconduceproducedinductinductiveinductioninductive reasoningindustrial productsindustrial revolutionindependent agencyvoltrevolteducededucereduceseducemicrovoltrevolting
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